Wanna Run & Play Together?
We are all created with an innate necessity to CrEaTe and be cReATiVe! If you've been out of touch with that part of yourself, let us help you discover or recover that aspect of who you are meant to be.
"Creativity is giving oneself the FREEDOM to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." ~author unknown
Corporate Workshops
Let us design a hands on Team Building Event for your employees and watch their morale and productivty move out of the box and witness your revenues expand as a result.
Please Contact us through our Inquire page to collaborate and coordinate on an corporate workshop to awaken your staff to creative problem solving & inspire new creativity in marketing and sales.
Home School Workshops
Once a home educator always a home educator.
After years of home schooling and partnering with educational co-operatives, there's nothing like seeing the light bulb of brilliance click on in the mind of student as they discover a creative outlet to express their inner selves.
Give your school's students hands on experience with FINE ART.
Allow us to help them Run & Play Constuctively and Productively with their natural bent for creativity.
Contact us to customize a class workshop or series of art classes.
unnecessary necessities by kimiya
unnecessary necessities
unnecessary necessities
unnecessary necessities by kimiya
Unnecessary Necessities by kimiya creative environment specialists
Unnecessary Necessities by kimiya
Unnecessary Necessities by kimiya creative environment specialists
Unnecessary Necessities by kimiya creative environment specialists
Retreat Workshops
Nothing hits the Refresh Button like a relaxing retreat. Let us do all the work in creating an oasis with the adventure of creativity for you and your friends.
R&R is a Necessary Necessity for sure. Doing all the work on your own is Unnecessary.
Contact us so we can craft a customized Artist Creativity Retreat for you and your group.