OTR's Five Part System is designed to ensure, that when fully implemented, your business will not only run smoothly, but experience consistent long term growth.
OUR APPROACH - We Are Activators
On Track Results focuses on businesses as a whole. Many consultants focus on symptoms, like Cost Controls, Leadership Development or Market Analysis. That is like a doctor who tells you take aspirin for a headache. It is better to understand what is causing the headache and how to live so that you can avoid future headaches. It would be better yet if that doctor not only determined the actual cause of the headache but was also able to give you a system to ensure you lived a healthy life, a life where you grow stronger and healthier every day! Now that would be fantastic.
That is what we do. We provide a system that ensures the entire company gets healthy, stays healthy and gets stronger everyday! We think of ourselves more like business activators than business consultants, we activate a proven system to empower your company to achieve healthy growth.
THE COST OF ACTIVATION - Pay Us According to What You Need.
The cost of installing our system depends on how much you need us around to help. It varies from client to client. When we initially meet we go over how our system works and how we implement the system, then it is up to you to decide if you want to move forward.
Typically it costs no more than what it would to hire a part time receptionist to fully install our system. What you get for that installation is a proven system that will turn your company into a smooth running money making organization positioned for long term growth so you can enjoy life. Contact us now to see how we can help you. Or call to setup a free 60 minute onsite consultation anywhere in the greater Los Angeles area. Phone: (818) 359-0973 or schedule your free onsite consultation here:
We also have specialized fee structures for startups. We understand the challenges of starting a company, one of the biggest of which is cash flow. The best way to ensure your startup has the potential to succeed if it is founded on a proven business system like ours. Contact us to find out how we can serve your startup.
"While running companies in the past, I figured out there are no band-aid solutions. I had consultants come in and like a plumber they would fix a leak and then leave, only to find another leak somewhere else in the organization. The entire company must be in synch, every department communicating using a system that connects them all together." Bradley DeRuiter
SPECIALTY WORK - Sometimes Clients Need Unique Help
Client's don't always need an entire system put in place, they simply struggle in one specific area. They might need assistance in leadership coaching and development, or help with cash flow struggles. If you know what your pressure point is we can help. Call us for a free consultation to discuss. If it is a small or short job our rate varies from $150 - $200 an hour depending on the type of work. We can also quote for the entire job, if it seems like a more long term project, thus reducing what it would cost if it were billed hourly. Please click here to see more about our other consulting services.

OTR's Five Part System is designed to ensure, that when fully implemented, your business will not only run smoothly, but experience consistent long term growth.

The OTR System
The reason the system is portrayed by 5 interlocking cog wheels is because the system is all connected. One part cannot function without all the other parts being in place. If one wheel stops moving, meaning one part of the system is not in place or activated, then the whole system stops working, stops running smoothly! The system is lubricated and becomes a well oiled machine when a supportive and empowering leadership and management methodology is implemented. For more about our principles on management go to our blog or click here.
People and Positions - The Right People in the Right Positions. Your staff are one your most valuable assets not found on your balance sheet. They are far more valuable if they are the right people for the job! They must have the CPR level that meets your needs. CPR Level stands for Connection Level (People that connect with your unique values) Passion Level (People that are passionate about that job) Resource Level (People that have the resources of experience and expertise to perform at a high level for that job.)
The Right People - These are employees who align with your unique values and have not only the credentials to do the job, but they also understand who you are as a company; meaning, they are passionate about working there and they have the knowledge and experience to perform in their role.
The Right Position - People that not only share your values, are passionate and have the capabilities to do the work but they also are wired and gifted to function in that Position. For example, it is one thing to have experience as a manager, to understand what it takes to operate as a successful manager, but if a person is just not wired to lead and manage they will never truly excel at managing.
Vision and Values - Vision gives direction and values give purpose. Where are you going in the next 8 years, 3 years or in the next year? What makes your company unique? What do you value?
Your Unique Vision speaks to how you see yourself AND to where you're going. It is the unique you, how you are set apart from your competition, it is your niche! Without understanding your niche you can never truly reach your full potential.
Your Vision sees where you want to go and where you are already going. To reach your full potential you have to set goals, specific goals. When you set goals, long term and short term, you have something to shoot for, now you can plan your strategy around how to reach those goals. Having goals also brings to light the hindrances to reach those goals. This is a good thing, you need to know what stands in your way. Setting goals also helps establish the metrics you need to reach those goals, ultimately providing clear metrics for each department and employee.
Your Unique Values convey why you do what you do? Every company needs to understand what they truly value. What do they want their culture to be like? Do you value honesty? Hard work? Creativity? Enthusiasm? By understanding what your unique values as a company you can use that benchmark to hire, fire, review and reward your staff appropriately. They also tell your customers who you are.
Process and Procedures - Every company needs to understand and document their Unique Process for every department (Sales/Marketing, Operations, Finance and Admin), and the Underlying Procedures that drive those processes. This is the only way to get your company running smoothly. These Unique Processes and Underlying Procedures make up who you are as a company and give clarity to every employee's responsibilities for their position.
Unique Processes are those high level actions that you want to make happen to reach your goals. For example a Unique Selling Process that my previous company had was to always deliver quality products that met or exceeded the given specification, delivered on time every time.
Underlying Procedures are the steps that need to happen in order to fulfill each process. In the example above, in order to complete that process we had to test the product before it was shipped. We had to ensure we had appropriate stocking levels of both raw materials and finished goods. We had to be in close contact with our customers so we could better predict when they needed product, etc.
Data and Direction - Data provides you with key metrics (not found in financials) on a daily or weekly basis so you can be proactive in fixing things rather than reactive after the financials come out. For example the percentage of leads that are converted to sales, cash flow metrics and operations metrics like on-time shipments. This key data tells you if you are headed in the right direction toward your goals, toward your Unique Vision! These data points are linked to the metrics that were established by Your Unique Vision goals and the Unique Processes and Procedures required to hit those target goals.
Communicate and Correct - Communication through effective meetings means those meeting solve problems. It’s key to have weekly, quarterly and annual meetings in each department of the company. There is evidence that shows that "companies with a highly engaged employee population turned in significantly better financial performance (a 5.75 percent difference in operating margins and a 3.44 percent difference in net profit margins) than did low-engagement workplaces.” (From Manager Redefined written by Thomas O. Davenport, Stephen D. Harding and Towers Watson)
Communication includes conducting regular meetings on the same day and at the same time each week. They need to start on time, end on time with a standardized printed agenda. Consistent engagement with employees, providing quality and empowering feedback is proven to be more profitable compared to companies who do not communicate purposefully.
Correction happens when those meetings solve problems, so time spent is not just discussing current progress but is accomplishing something by solving current issues.
On Track Results has the experience to offer creative and professional looking website design to bridge the gap between your company and your customers. We train our customers how to manage their own sites or will manage their sites for them for additional fees. Our services enable our clients to maximize their search potential on all major search engines and will demonstrate how to interact with social media to maximize web presence. Below are some samples of our client websites:
Packages and Prices
Pricing starts at $500 for a basic website. Design Fee varies depending on site size and complexity. Please contact us for a free estimate.
Full Site Design and Management
On Track Results works along side the customer to design a site that meets their needs and is on call to update and manage the site as needed.
$500+ site design; $100 per hour for site management or client training.
Initial Site Design and Training Customer to Manage Site
On Track Results works along side the customer to design a site that meets their needs and then trains staff to update and maintain website.
$500+ site design; $100 per hour for site management or client training.
Update Current Website Design
On Track Results works along side the customer to update their current website design.
$100 per hour for site update